Friday, March 20, 2009

In the Washer?

I'm not sure if I want to know what Silver was thinking. Anyone what to close the lids and give him a bath?


  1. Ah yes that's my... special boy...

  2. Hi - I'm here from the Ultimate Blog Party. I have a habit of peeking into the washtub before I start dumping clothes inside it, just in case a little mouse found its way in or something. I've never found a cat, though.

  3. thankfully this is something my cat does not try to do.

  4. a pic of when he stuck his head out would've been lolcat worthy. Anyone wanna give it a go? All I can think of is "I is in yer machine, doing yur washin'.

  5. LOL!!! Silver thought he was so smart finding a new hiding place, but little did he know it could cause him so get soaked.

  6. Hi, just stopping by with the Blog Party! (Tail end of it, anyway!) Cats are so crazy. Mine used to love to climb into the refrigerator. One summer day we forgot he was in there, until we heard him yelling, "MEOOOOOOOOOOOW!" He had fallen asleep! Cats really do have nine lives, don't they!


Good Luck.

This blog is officially dead. I don't know if I will ever post on it again. so I bid everyone farewell. Ezzy and Ayden @ The Nut Hous...