Friday, May 15, 2009

Road Trip and Garage Sale

Here are pictures of the garage sale. Fey, her sister, Fluffly and the pet were learning a game that fey had for some time. It when alright.

Ayden got a donut dog treat. This was the best picture I got, He ate it too quick.

Us Playing with the dry ice that keeping the ice cream cold.

A fun picture.
The Fluffy wanted a picture of all of us. This was the best I got.


  1. I love the pictures, but who are all the dudes? Other than my boy Ayden :) I love the rolling pin one

  2. The dry ice drove poor Ayden nuts. I had gotten ice cream from a shop in Columbus nearly an hour and a half away so the dry ice was to keep it ice cream by the time it got home. We dumped the ice in the sink and promptly forgot about it until our favorite lil' boy started barking and wouldn't calm down. You can probably tell by the pictures what happened. With the smog over flow it's quite understandable really...


Good Luck.

This blog is officially dead. I don't know if I will ever post on it again. so I bid everyone farewell. Ezzy and Ayden @ The Nut Hous...